"Your Human Compass™ is a highly effective, daily implementation training program, designed for increasing success in all areas of life, work, and play."
It helps you gain a larger perspective for life and your human potential, by showing you how to get out of your own way, and teaching you the principles which separate the most elite humans from the masses.
The result is an immediate improvement in your ability to stay elevated, earn more, achieve more, connect more, and enjoy more out of life.
Your Human Compass™ is based around the proprietary compass framework developed by Ryan Deegan, after a 15 year dynamic and interactive study on the happiest and wealthiest people who have ever lived (over a 2500 year period), along with over a decade of neuroscience to back it up. It's principle-based and highly effective in any industry, lifestyle, or profession.
The training program can be tailored for any individual, group or company, and provide a lifetime of use and benefit once learned.
Here's what's holding you back: Society constantly teaches you Ego, Lack, Attachment, and Fear. WHY? Because that's what gets your attention, and then trillions of dollars are made putting useless products in front of your eyes and ears. Your brain learned this system over decades of time. Your Human Compass is how you can un-do these constant problematic states of mind that limit your success in all areas of life, people, and passions...
Awareness is the foundation for all things to be understood and experienced on a deeper level. This directional point shows you how to have a heightened internal and external Awareness. This increases your self knowledge, self worth, and your connection to everyone and everything you come in contact with. Awareness will reduce any type of stress and promote clarity. It lowers the fear of speaking to people, and enhances one's ability to connect with others. It will create more authentic conversations, better listening, and therefore better serving others with what they want and what they're really asking for. It shows people how to become more present and it minimizes any problems of the mind. It relieves anxiety and lays a foundation for better performance. It encompasses the most effective daily exercises for bringing presence into your reality easier and more often.
Abundance eliminates the scarcity mentality and fear of failure. It helps you understand what true abundance really is and how it is all around us (and within us) at all times. It encompasses the most effective exercises for becoming bigger than your problems, and recognizing abundance everywhere. This completely eliminates lack and opens the doors to possibility and opportunity. This perspective keeps you driving forward, while not getting derailed or discouraged by all the challenges you encounter. By knowing and understanding how much abundance is truly out there, you will create a deeper belief system for achieving it. This is how the happiest and wealthiest humans have operated for centuries.
Appreciation is simply what keeps you happy every day. This directional point teaches you the first all-encompassing framework for (remembering) every category you have to appreciate -on a daily basis. This creates a foundation for new growth and expansion to take place, and creates the opportunity to gain more things/scenarios/circumstances to appreciate. This also promotes other people to be much more interested in engaging with you on any topic. It creates an energy that is more enjoyable, and likeable...and people gravitate to those they like and enjoy. This also keeps you in better spirits on a daily basis, because you're constantly remembering how good you already have it, allowing you the mental platform to achieve more good in your life. We all know no one is going to achieve a high level of success with a bad attitude, and this fixes that at a neuro-chemical level.
Ambition is the category that teaches you how to take the right and proper actions, which maximizes your productivity and performance. It lays the foundation for staying in proper health, fulfilling a deeper purpose in life, scheduling your day correctly, and staying in a place of flow, so solutions come easily and naturally. This directional point creates clarity for the passion driven purpose within you, and allows you to take massive action and develop momentum. This is the directional point that ties everything together, and allows you to be fully yourself. It helps you keep proper perspective from the rest of your human compass, and it creates the framework for optimal human potential and accomplishment.
The problem isn't that you don't know all this already, the problem is you haven't developed it as your default operating system in the brain -then maximized the potentials for each.